Friday, May 10, 2013

Claiming my blog from Blogger

I apologize for this post. Seriously, don't read it because it's not interesting.  I am sure there is a different way to do this, but that's the thing about technology. To keep up with it, you have to be savvy in it. To be savvy in it, you have to keep up with it. Thanks to rockin' instructions by Kate Pilkington, I am trying to get all on board with bloglovin', which is the newest bestest way to follow blogs, since apparently google is doing away with google friends. Or some such fiddle faddle. i don't even know. Because I'm not technology savvy.
    Anyway, the whole point of this post is because I'm trying to claim my blog to post it on my bloglovin' profile because that's apparently what I need to do. And to do that, i'm supposed to paste a code into my blog. So here it is.

claiming my blog

Now I can claim my blog in my profile, and that is really the only point of this post.

Though, if you are still reading this post, check out the new follow button at the top! sweet!

Now my next step is to copy that cute little button and plop it at the end of every post. But I'm already exhausted, so that will just have to wait. sigh.
follow my blog


  1. Hahahaha - I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. But this is literally the internal dialogue going on in my head about 2 days ago as I'm trying to get that stupid button to appear on my blog. Bloglovin' is indeed a contradiction in terms. And only after hours of hair-ripping and furniture throwing angst that nearly induced an aneurysm, someone mentioned that my new blog set-up (that is apparently "advanced"--though clearly I am not) won't allow for my to add that button. So I am remanded to added it only at the bottom of every post. Which is fine, so long as I remember to do it. Stupid technology. Can't we go back to smoke signals? It at least smelled nice, kept the bugs away, and when it got out of control it did us all a favor by killing us instead of leaving us to hang ourselves.

    But I'm followin' with the Bloglovin' Liza. Carry on, girl.

  2. Had fun clicking a bunch of I finally here? Don't want to miss a single post! Now I am thinking of...blo-glovin' and wondering how the knitting factory is doing...

  3. I didn't realize you could add the button to the end of posts! Oh god, great. More headaches ahead for me. I've been trying to get a Pin It button at the end of posts for months. It usually ends with a lot of cursing and slamming and spitting at my computer. Congrats on the Bloglovin' button. Follow me and I'll follow you.
